Friday, October 22, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions?

Going into class on October 13, I was probably more stressed than I’ve ever been in my life. Part of it was worrying about my grade but also because of the strong headache I had after studying for 5 midterms the week before. Anyway, when class started I noticed that the professor was acting a little different and in the back of my mind I was thinking “the grades must be bad”. And low and behold I was right. After getting my usual nervous feelings, the Professor said that he was going to let us decide what to do with these grades and the format of the next exam. I was initially surprised because this is the first time I’ve seen a professor do this and I was elated cause I could get a higher grade. (and who doesn’t love that)
                As soon as he let us decide what to do with the grades, the room was quiet for a minute. This is mostly because we really didn’t know to do at this point. Then we started discussing options and the first one was a curve and the whole class agreed instantly. After seeing how the curve would affect my grade, I decided to take the Avoidance method because the curve helped my grade to what I would want it to be. Then the class brought up and agreed on an extra credit assignment. I became even happier because my grade can possibly go up even more. (After seeing the assignment, I’m not so sure.)  At this point I saw a lot of people using the Collaborating method because the class was discussing whether to drop the lower of the two grades and they were arguing because we were time constrained.
                After seeing the craziness of deciding the grades, we then had to decide the format of the next exam, which led to more craziness (which was very funny I might add). The main arguments were to get rid of the true and false and the essay and to change the multiple multiple to multiple choice.  The class then on about both points and I would classify it as the Compromise method because as class was getting closer to being over, you saw more desperation as they were making sure the whole class agreed. All in all the class got everything they wanted and made it a very interesting class.


  1. I am one of them who was against the multiple multiple choice question. But, I changed my mind because there is a lot of chance than just the multiple choice. Keeping the same format with the essay question as an extra credit question is the best choice that we agreed on last time.

  2. I adopted "the avoidance" after about 15 minutes of arguing. As the class begins to argue more and more I just sat back and watch the whole process. I was really thinking that if we get to an agreement it means that the Professor intervened. So I was surprised when we all agree.
