Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Envisioning My Future

The very first time that I actually ever thought about my future in terms of a career or goals, I was 5 years old in my Kindergarden class. The teacher each gave us an assignment where we had to answer some questions, one of them being What do you want to do for a living? At the time, my father was a sales representative for Bloomingdales and my mother was a nurse at Jacobi Medical Hospital. I remember writing down that I wanted to be a doctor because I thought it was a cool profession. (Also because I loved the white coats...and still do.)

When I was deciding what college to go to, I came across this paper and again thought "Do I really want to be a doctor? The answer was no. After thinking of other careers, I realised that I loved working with numbers and a teacher thought I should go into Accounting because he said i would be a natural at it. I thought about it and decided to research schools that offered this and thats the main reason why I chose to go to Baruch. (The scholarship made my decision really easy)

My main vision/goal for myself is to become a CPA and work in either New York or New Jersey (undecided). By going to Baruch, I get to potentially take advantage of their 4+1 program and be able to graduate with my masters in 2 more years. Even though I know the CPA exam is far away right now, I've already begun researching programs to help me study and have already started practicing problems in my spare time. Hopefully when the time comes I'll be mre than ready to pass it on the first try.

A second vision/goal is something that will have a special feeling for me and that is to have a house. Now I know it maysound weird but there is sentimental feeling around it. My mother always tells me she has had a great life but the one thing she always wanted was... you guessed it.. a house. She was never able to find the right neighbrohood and she was always hesitant about moving. I decided then that I would try to get a house for myself, not just because I want one but I feel that I would carrying out my mothers dream in doing so.

The last vision/ goal is one that I've thought about on and off and one that I wanna do later on in my life; traveling around the world.  I have always loved traveling ever since I was little and I want to see everything that the world had to offer. What better way than to go to a place and see how different or similar they are to our culture.

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