Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blogging: Success or Failure???

Before entering this class, I never used a blog and really didnt give a care in the world about them. As the semester went on, I started to little by little enjoy writng blogs and reading them. (Even though I was late on a couple.) As im writing this, I can say that blogging as a part of this class was very successful for me. The main reason why is that in writing every blog, I had to apply terms and ideas that I learned in class and things I observed while doing some of the projects. (Which I also enjoyed a lot) I feel that its easier for me to remember some of the key concepts the professor taught us because of the blogs and that makes it easier to study for me. Another thing about the blogs is that I get to see and read what my classmates are thinking. Most of the time, you are not able to get everyone's opinion on a ceretain topic during class and with the blog everyone gets to voice out their opinion and be heard. Also I feel in control of my grade because in reality, this is an easy 20% towards your grade that requires just your opinion and some time. I always hate professors who put a lot of weight towards one or two tests becausec your putting tremendous pressure on them to ace those tests. You fail or do bad on one, you grade suffers. Here, I feel in control of my grade and the effort I put in will help dictate what grade I get in the class. I've enjoyed writing these blogs so much that I plan on making a new blog as maybe part of a side job or just to get out my opinion on things; ranging from sports topics to government problems. (Look out for it soon).   


  1. I agree that maintaining a blog is an easy 20% of our grade. The best part is that while it is easy, it doesn't feel like we copped out and just got that 20% for free. It was a our own personal project that we were free to develop either adequately or to extraordinary heights. While I'm in the category of people who only did the required posts, I really appreciate how much additional content and effort you and some of our other classmates put into these blogs. I hope that you continue writing on your blog because it was fun reading through it.

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  3. I think most people in class were in the same boat of not having any personal experience with blogging. It was a new concept to everyone and I agree, in the end it is effective. It was able to tie in the lecture and activities and yes, it did make it easier for us to remember the concepts. Exactly what I was thinking, since we control 20% of our grade, it helped relieve any test anxieties and worries I had. Like you, I also enjoyed writing the blogs and expressing my thoughts and ideas. Good luck maintaining your blog. :)
