Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Conscientousness yet Steady?

We had the opportunity to take a personal profile system "test" to see what kind of manager or leader we would be. The test format was pretty simple; write down the word that describes you the best and the worst. Going through each set, it was a little hard because most of the words were very similar and you had a limited amount of time to choose. After choosing, you had to count the number of each letter you got and subtract it to get a total for each letter. My numbers at this point were D(-8), I(0), S(4) and C(4). Then you used a chart to graph your numbers and draw a line connecting them. Based on the graph, the top two points were your managerial style; the highest point being your main style and the second style as a backup style. My results was that Im a Cs, meaning my main managerial style is one of Conscientousness with a secondary style of steady. A conscientousness style is one that focuses more on numbers and knowing all the facts before making a decision. My initial reaction was that it described me exactly. When I need to make a decision, I always think about the consequences and I rarely if at all make a rash decision.  I'm very happy with my results and I woludn't change them for any other style. In refernce as to whether of not this system works, I thinks it does work because it gives businesses an idea of how you are going to manage ceertain situations  and it can help in interviewing potential candidates for jobs. I would rather hire someone who fits the style that im looking for than someone who cant do what needs to be done.

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